Charlie Thomason
Very powerful film. Does a great job of showing Jesus' influence on a deeply hurting and troubled people, and the journey of Mary of Magdala, who becomes one of his most devoted and understanding followers. Some criticize this for being "boring" or "needing more action"—and it's true the pace is slower—but if you can appreciate the significance of what is happening, as well as the relationships that grow and develop, you can see why it's actually a very well-made film. And Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara's acting performances are simply brilliant.

Stephen Beam
I gave it 5 stars because the whole point of the movie is devotion to God, a high spiritual knowing of God, everything else in the movie is secondary to that. I liked it because we didn't hear Jesus repeat the 22 psalm as he was dying on the cross, which was Jesus' dying mind ,merely replaying a popular song (psalm) of that time. This movie is unique among the many. It drew from the Gnostic gospel of Mary Magdalene which gives it a different flavor.. We get a chance to see another branch of early Christianity different than the usual take we see.

Ruth Fanfan
Just by the preview, I notice that there is some truth to a lot of mystery surrounding Mary's character. Especially the part where here friend tells her that if he marries her she needs to make many sons. I am thinking that it must have been really hard refusing the offer of marriage during that time