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  • Durata di un episodio 50 minuti
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  • Ultimo aggiornamento 1 février 2024 - 14:48
    su 11 database

The Vertigo Years: 1900 to 1914

From 1900 to 1914, Europe was a world adrift. In this short span of timebetween the death of Queen Victoria and the outbreak of World War I, a new world order was emerging. In The Vertigo Years, historian Philipp Blom chronicles this conflicted epoch year by year, creating a unique anatomy of a pivotal era. From the advent of fascism to cubist painting, from the theory of relativity to consumer culture, Blom shows how the years between 1900 and 1914 molded the entire twentieth century. With deftly-told anecdotes and a novelists sensitivity for poignancy, Bloms work brings the wonders, horrors, and fears of the early twentieth century vividly to life.

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