Based on the hit series, the Brady Bunch, the series revolved around the adventures of the six Brady children and their animal friends, Mop Top, their dog; Ping and Pong, two pandas who speak a strange, Chinese-based jibberish; and Marlon, a Mynah bird with magic powers. Their main hangout was the family treehouse (the house, like Mike and Carol Brady and Alice, never made an appeance in the animated show). Like the Archies, the Bradys were also a musical group and each episode featured at least one group performance. If the animation sequenced seem similar to Archies, it is because Filmation reused some of the sequences from the Archies and modified them. The lineup; Greg-guitar, Marcia-tambourine, Peter-bass, Jan-organ, Bobby-drums & Cindy-junior guitar. Over the course of the series, they encountered various guest stars, some of whom had their own Filmation series, including Miss Tickle from Mission: Magic, Superman, the Lone Ranger, and in her first animated appearance,