Caricamento in corso
  • Genere Animazione, Famiglia
  • Durata di un episodio 25 minuti
  • Durata totale 21 ore 40 minuti
  • Stato Completato
  • Canale Fox Family
  • Collegamenti esterni La paginaTVDB
    Pagina IMDB
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 24 avril 2020 - 11:15
    su 11 database

Saban's Adventures of Oliver Twist

11 membri 1 stagione52 episodi

Oliver, an orphaned, anthropomorphized dog in Victorian-era England, searches for his mother. To accomplish his goal, he must first make his escape from the evil custodian of the orphanage and the custodian's two accomplices, Scratch and Sniff. Luckily, Oliver can rely on the help of his friends, Dodger (a rabbit) and Charlie (a pig), along with Fagan (a fox), Nancy (a cat), and Annuschka (another dog). This show aired on the Fox Family Channel.



Foto (2)

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