Caricamento in corso
  • Paese Giappone
  • Genere Animazione, Dramma, Sport
  • Durata di un episodio 25 minuti
  • Durata totale 4 ore 35 minuti
  • Stato Completato
  • Canale Fuji TV
  • Collegamenti esterni La paginaTVDB
    Pagina IMDB
    Pagina TheMovieDB
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 4 juillet 2020 - 15:15
    su 11 database

Ping Pong The Animation

Ping Pong
407 membri 1 stagione11 episodi

The story revolves around two longtime friends Smile and Peco who are both members of the ping pong club at their high school and are both very talented at the sport. However, Smile's quiet personality keeps him from being able to win against Peco. The club's teacher takes notice of Smile's talent and works to change his attitude toward the sport.



Foto (7)

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