Caricamento in corso
  • Paese Francia
  • Genere Avventura, Documentario, Sport, Viaggi
  • Durata di un episodio 50 minuti
  • Durata totale 15 ore
  • Stato In corso
  • Canale Voyage
  • Showrunner Laurent Bouit
  • Collegamenti esterni La paginaTVDB
    Pagina TheMovieDB
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 13 avril 2024 - 22:30
    su 11 database

Les plus beaux treks

9 membri 3 stagioni18 episodi

As spring approaches, the Voyage channel reconciles man and nature with the broadcast of a new, original documentary series dedicated to the most beautiful treks in France. Each episode focuses on a specific route by following an experienced mountain guide who knows "his" Grande Randonnée® trail perfectly. This documentary series is a total immersion on the routes to best transcribe the exhilarating feeling of freedom that any long-distance walker feels one day. Filming resources adapted to be as close as possible to the effort and unique aerial images to register the progression of the characters in the landscape. But also a real ambition in terms of sound recording... All these ingredients are grouped together in the collection "the most beautiful Treks" which is aimed at all those who love outdoor activities and roaming in all its forms. shapes, whether sporty or soft!




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