Caricamento in corso
  • Paese Francia
  • Genere Animazione, Bambini
  • Durata di un episodio 10 minuti
  • Durata totale 31 ore 50 minuti
  • Stato Completato
  • Canale France 3
  • Collegamenti esterni La paginaTVDB
    Pagina IMDB
    Pagina TheMovieDB
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 26 septembre 2020 - 11:15
    su 11 database

I Dalton

Les Dalton
182 membri 2 stagioni191 episodi

Unshackle your laughing gas, put your ball and chain away, take a prison break and get ready to escape with the Daltons! The fab four are back! The Daltons will try every trick in the books to get out and then some: a maze of tunnels, explosives, hot air balloons and rain dances, and a whole cast of zany characters to help them get free ... or not! The only thing they don’t try using are their brains! But what they lack in intelligence, they sure make up for in willpower and imagination!
The far west has never been crazier!




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