Caricamento in corso
  • Paese Regno Unito
  • Genere Cucina, Casa e giardino
  • Durata di un episodio 25 minuti
  • Durata totale 16 ore 40 minuti
  • Stato Completato
  • Canale Channel 4
  • Collegamenti esterni La paginaTVDB
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    Pagina TheMovieDB
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 29 août 2020 - 18:15
    su 11 database

Jamie Oliver: menu in 15 minuti

Jamie's 15-Minute Meals
22 membri 1 stagione40 episodi

Jamie Oliver returns with a brand-new cookery series that pushes the concept of fast, everyday food to the next level.

Building on the success of Jamie's 30 Minute Meals, this new show squeezes the cooking process even further, with each half hour episode featuring two delicious, nutritious, super-fast family meals back-to-back.

So even if you're rushed off your feet at work, there's no excuse for not giving these meals a go.



Foto (3)

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