Caricamento in corso
  • Paese Giappone
  • Genere Animazione
  • Durata di un episodio 25 minuti
  • Durata totale 17 ore 5 minuti
  • Stato Completato
  • Canale TV Asahi
  • Collegamenti esterni La paginaTVDB
    Pagina TheMovieDB
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 21 juillet 2020 - 20:15
    su 11 database

H2 (1995)

22 membri 1 stagione41 episodi

Kunimi Hiro is a high school student, who is forced to give up his ambitions as a professional baseball player due to a serious injury. Now at a new high school, Hiro gets involved with Haruko and her goals of reviving that school's baseball team. At first they must overcome the refusal of school principle, who still remembers a dishonorable defeat that the school's baseball suffered some ten years earlier. Even with permission to form a school baseball team, there are still the players to recruit and train, and the challenges of building a reputation of the team within the high school baseball circuit.

This is a story of group of high school students and their love of the game of baseball. Hiro is national class pitcher and batter, with his best friend who is a catcher and with Haruko as the team manager, together they struggle to build a baseball team worthy of the national championship.




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