Caricamento in corso
  • NASCITA 18/06/2000
  • Paese Thailandia
  • MOSTRA 5

ปริญญากรณ์ ขันสวะ

ปริญญากรณ์ ขันสวะ è un attore di 24 anni (18 juin 2000). ปริญญากรณ์ ขันสวะ è apparso in 5 serie e nessun film. Una performance da trovare nel ruolo di Aob-On nella serie Battle of the Writers.

ปริญญากรณ์ ขันสวะ

Mostra (5)

Battle of the Writers
Battle of the Writers
Cutie Pie
Cutie Pie
Bed Friend
Bed Friend
Jade Jetanipatis
The Middleman's Love
The Middleman's Love
Jade Jetanipatis
Naughty Babe
Naughty Babe
Sin / Syn