Caricamento in corso
  • Regista Max Disgrace
  • Durata 16 minuti
  • Lingua N/A
  • Collegamenti esterni Pagina TheMovieDB
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 25 février 2024 - 17:39
    su 11 database


1 membro

Erotic hallucinations start to haunt Lina after a night out. As her world starts to morph, a mysterious latex-gloved, masked figure joins her in a wet and slimy power play of pleasure. Ruptured re-envisions erotically charged moments from mainstream horror through a queer pornographic lens. Centering queer sexuality, and POC female and non-binary characters, the film subverts what would usually remain hidden, absent or cast as deviant within the genre.

Attori (2)

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