Caricamento in corso
  • Durata 24 minuti
  • Genere Avventura, Animazione, Mistery, Commedia
  • Lingua Giapponese
  • Collegamenti esterni Pagina IMDB
    Pagina TheMovieDB
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 1 janvier 1970 - 01:00
    su 11 database

名探偵コナン: コナンvsキッドvsヤイバ 宝刀争奪大決戦!!

Detective Conan: Conan vs. Kid vs. Yaiba - The Grand Battle for the Treasure Sword!!
46 membri

Conan borrows a large amount of manga from Mitsuhiko and crazy things begin to happen around Beika City. Things aren't always the way they appear to be. A family asks Kogoro to help them protect a special sword in their dojo since Kaitou KID has sent word he's going to steal it. However Kaitou KID will have to steal the sword while Conan and Yaiba are after him.

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