Caricamento in corso
  • Durata 4 ore 24 minuti
  • Genere Animazione, Mistery, Crime, Dramma
  • Lingua Giapponese
  • Collegamenti esterni Pagina IMDB
    Pagina TheMovieDB
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 1 janvier 1970 - 01:00
    su 11 database

ダンガンロンパ3 –The End of 希望ヶ峰学園– 絶望編 Danganronpa 3: The End of Kibōgamine Gakuen - Zetsubō-hen

10 membri
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It will break if you see

Despair Arc serves as the "prelude" to the series, as it tells the backstory of Hope's Peak Academy's Class 77-B and how they became corrupted Remnants of Despair.

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