While investigating the theft of a rare telescope, the Astro-Viewer, the Turtles discover odd tracks leading away from the National Space Exploration Center. Meanwhile, at the Hall of Science, having installed the Astro-Viewer in a vain attempt to create a dimensional portal, Krang discovers an alien StarFighter flying closely past Earth. He is able to break into their transmission and learns that they have recently defeated their enemies and now have possession of the Firestar, which will make them the undisputed masters of the universe.
Krang is excited by this piece of information. Until now, he had always thought that the Firestar was only a legend. It seems that the Firestar contains the power of a thousand suns. Krang believes it is his destiny to rule the cosmos, not just those creatures.
Krang brings the alien StarFighter down with his lasers. Moments later, Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady arrive, stun Commander Korak and his comrades of the Glaxxon Federation, steal the Fire