Professor Vujić's Hat (Serbian: Sesir profesora Koste Vujica) is a Serbian movie. The story was first presentet as a TV drama in 1972. The story of professor Kosta Vujić who in the mid-19th century taught an extraordinarily talented generation of gymnasium students, some of whom would go on to become prominent members of the Serbian society and eventually historically significant figures. They include Mihailo "Mika Alas" Petrović, Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac, Jovan Cvijić, and Jaša Prodanović.
Film à titre éducatif pour enfants/adolescents. Une distribution au top comme dhab mais présence de Bikovic trop imposante, il est en tête d'affiche à chaque fois et c'est dommage car il y a énormément de jeunes talents autour qui peuvent en faire autant