Chargement en cours
  • Réalisation Joseph Beuys
  • Durée 10 minutes
  • Langue Allemand
  • Liens externes Page TheMovieDB
  • Dernière mise à jour 27 juillet 2022 - 13:18
    sur 11 bases de données

Filz TV

1 membre

"As a contribution to Gerry Schum's 'Identifications', Beuys adapted for television the 'Felt TV' action previously staged for a live audience at a Happening festival in Copenhagen in 1966. It was the only Beuys action executed specifically for the camera. It opens with Beuys seated in front of a TV set showing a programme which is invisible because the screen is covered by felt. The boxing-gloves used later in the action lie at the ready beneath his chair."



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