Set in a solitary island school where only students who have caused problems are gathered, and communication from the world is cut off. Homura Itsuki comes to the school as a transfer student. At the school, there is a study group for the 19th-century French cruel drama "Grand Guignol", and Itsuki ends up joining that study group. In addition to the members of the study group, the teachers who manage them, the head chef, the mysterious new teacher, and other people who gather at the school are somewhat suspicious. And finally, a serial murder case like "Grand Guignol" occurs. On an isolated island with no way to escape, Itsuki and his friends are caught up in the vortex of fear of death and love and hate between men.
Que dire sur ce film? Il y a comme un air des "des petits nègres" d'Agatha Christie dans son huit clos, une île coupée du monde, des meurtres mais ça s'arrête là. J'ai aimé le principe du film, les effets spéciaux m'ont bien fait sourire, et le jeu des acteurs clairement surjoué à quelque chose de comique également. La fin du film par contre, m'a laissé dans un flou royal.