Ye Yuwei is a transfer student who encounters his desk-mate, He Chenghan, in the new class. Under the handsome look of He Chenghan is a girly heart. He is interested in cartoons of young girls and keeping cats. In the eyes of He Chenghan, Ye Yuwei seems to be a cat and a sentimental teenager who gradually becomes aware of his own emotions that are completely different.
His cat à l’international. Film accablé d’une post synchronisation complètement ratée qui gâche un propos qui se voulait poétique (marrante obsession pour les gros plans instables) et éducatif : les parents devraient favoriser l’entraide amicale plutôt que la compétition, l’épanouissement plutôt que la performance. Objectif non atteint, les plus courageux s’endormiront avant la fin du film.