The Cheval-Serpent is a notorious male dance bar that is always busy thanks to the hard work and watchfulness of owner Dorice McQuaid (Sophie Prégent) and manager David Gauthier (Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge). A unique, iconic place in the heart of Montreal, the Cheval-Serpent helped build the city's image as a haven for freedom, openness, partying and pleasure that was never challenged by former mayor Bernard Saint-Pierre (Paul Savoie).
Following in his father's footsteps, Laurent Saint-Pierre (Daniel Parent) has recently been elected mayor. He's a family man of a different generation. In his view, the time when sex-oriented businesses proliferated downtown is over. Montreal has to welcome visitors of all ages.
In a city where he calls the shots, the Cheval-Serpent is in for a rough ride.
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