Ryan begins to feel his partner, Melinda, doesn't have her head in the game after she talks to Danny and confesses she would rather be with him at home than at the challenge.
Team work is key at the next challenge as each team is handcuffed, shackled, and locked in a jail cell and must sift through several pales of "slop" using only their faces and mouths. Three keys must be found: two unlock their handcuffs and one unlocks the jail cell. Once released, they must sprint to the finish line.
While the pails of slop make some sick and others "sloppy," all teams quickly find the keys. All teams except Coral and Evan that is, who decide they are going to let this one go to another team and laugh their entire way to the finish line. In the end Theo and Chanda are the winners and its exile time for Melinda and Ryan and Wes and Casey.
At Exile, the teams are instructed to grab a flag at each checkpoint while carrying bags of sand equivalent to their luggage weight. Ryan and Melinda complete the first puzzle which allows them to drop their bags. This may look like a step ahead for the team but Melinda realizes they forgot to grab the first flag! As each team struggles to the finish line, Wes and Casey come out the winners and head back to the house, but Wes' overconfidence is starting to wear on the other teammates as he proclaims he is just "too good."
Los reality shows son un género televisivo que ha ganado mucha popularidad en los últimos años. Entre la multitud de ofertas, destaca ‘Habilidad física: 100’, una emocionante serie coreana en la que cien participantes en excelente forma se enfrentan en extenuantes desafíos para obtener el título del mejor cuerpo... y ganar un suculento premio.
El programa va más allá de ser simplemente una competencia física; también pone a prueba la resistencia mental y emocional de los participantes. Los desafíos son tan variados como intensos, desde pruebas de fuerza hasta retos de agilidad y resistencia. En cada episodio, los espectadores pueden esperar giros inesperados y momentos llenos de tensión.
El show está comandado por Jeong Young-han, quien tiene el papel de Maestro, guiando a los participantes a través de sus pruebas. Además, cuenta con personalidades destacadas como Yoshihiro Akiyama y Yun Sung-bin, quienes se interpretan a sí mismos en la competencia. Akiyama es conocido por su trabajo en 'The Return of Superman' y 'Saturday Night Live Korea', mientras que Sung-bin es un deportista destacado.