Rome, in the 70s. The Lebanese, a young criminal, and his band of small strikes, composed of Dandy, and Buffalo Wire, do 400 rounds. Terrible, the sponsor of the capital, feels the threat of these rivals in the making. For his next move, the band plans to remove the Lebanese wealthy baron Rosellini to ransom. To achieve its ends, she joins forces with the gang of Refrigeration, another kingpin of Rome. The coalition is tense but the new clan is ambitious. Inspector Nicola Scialoja, a young policeman and evil, takes matters in hand ...
C.J. Navas comenta el avance de las negociaciones entre intérpretes y productoras en Hollywood, las precuelas de ‘Gomorrah’ y ‘Romanzo Criminale’ que ha encargado Sky en Italia, el premio Iris de la Prensa Especializada que ha recibido ‘Amar es para siempre’ y muchas noticias más en su repaso diario al mundo de las series de televisión.