From the original Inspector Morse (1987-2000), through to the spin off ‘Lewis' in (2006-2015) and after ten years, the series ‘Endeavour', which explores the detective's back story in 1960s Britain, the story of Inspector Morse is finally coming to an end. Featuring interviews with all the main cast members, the documentary explores the huge global appeal of this Oxford universe of crime. We go behind the scenes during the filming of the last series of ‘Endeavour' as they tie together over six decades of interconnecting plots.
¡Arranca la nueva temporada de series con una intensidad que no veíamos desde hace tiempo! La vuelta de las vacaciones nos sorprende con una programación con decenas de estrenos de series y temporadas que no te dejarán indiferente.
¡Ah! Y no te olvides de añadir tus series favoritas a la plataforma para no perderte ni un episodio ;)
¡Vamos allá!