John Silva tells Victor that he's come across some interesting precedents concerning the paternity results. Victor tells Silva he isn't seeking revenge and does not want Diane's baby to suffer.
Nikki tells Brad the news about Diane's baby. He questions how something like this could happen and wonders if it was intentional.
Although Michael taunts Phyllis about running off to Jack's, she kisses Michael goodbye.
Sharon comes home to a surprise vacation planning evening with Nick.
Matt tries to set up the deal with Jordan only to find out Nick has postponed the inventory and has gone home. Matt and Warton talk about a new plan as Jordan waits.
Victoria expects a little acknowledgement from Ryan for not bringing up Tricia and admits to overstepping bounds by calling Keith. Victoria promises to stay out of it from now on.
Ryan gets a return call from Tricia's therapist, who informs him that he cannot share information with Ryan anymore per Tricia's request. Victoria suggests that all of thi
Sous le beau temps de Monaco s’est déroulé la 62e édition du festival de télévision de Monte Carlo au forum Grimaldi. Des fan-meet avec Danse avec les stars, les coulisses des Anneaux de pouvoir, les 50 ans des Feux de l’amour… tant de célébration mais aussi la compétition officielle.
Cette année, le jury de la compétition internationale présidé par John Goodman a remis la Nymphe d’or comme chaque année. Et la cérémonie de clôture était présentée par Ricky Whittle et Léna Situations !