Paul does not think moving halfway around the world will solve their problems and knows Chris will not have time to work on both her case and their relationship.
Matt tries to do business with Jordan who claims that the rave is off. Jordan questions why Nick Newman, a man with everything, would be into dealing drugs. Matt speculates Nick may feel a need to lose his stuffy image. Jordan and Matt make a deal that will happen in two weeks. Later, Matt meets up with Tricia and explains that the pills she found are his asthma medicine.
Mac and Brittany exchange harsh words. Brittany thinks Mac is crazy if she thinks Billy still loves her and says that Billy has moved on.
Malcolm catches Olivia, Neil and Nate eating dinner at Gina's. Nate is thrilled to see his dad and invites him to stay for dessert. Olivia is miffed by their interaction and accuses Malcolm of using Nate to taunt her.
Jack and Jill announce the beginning of the webcast and the virtual makeovers. Afterward, Jack is impressed
Sous le beau temps de Monaco s’est déroulé la 62e édition du festival de télévision de Monte Carlo au forum Grimaldi. Des fan-meet avec Danse avec les stars, les coulisses des Anneaux de pouvoir, les 50 ans des Feux de l’amour… tant de célébration mais aussi la compétition officielle.
Cette année, le jury de la compétition internationale présidé par John Goodman a remis la Nymphe d’or comme chaque année. Et la cérémonie de clôture était présentée par Ricky Whittle et Léna Situations !