Sharon tells Victor that she and Nick are opening a third coffeehouse. As Victoria and Matt talk, Tricia accuses Victoria of having an agenda where Matt is concerned. Matt tries to calm Tricia down, but Victoria tells her to leave, and Matt agrees. Victoria mentions to Sharon that she witnessed Tricia flirting with Matt and wonders why Tricia is so protective of Matt. Sharon thinks Victoria should tell Ryan.
Phyllis and Jack are on their date and spot Diane. When Phyllis asks Jack whose baby Diane is carrying, Jack tells her it's Victor's baby. Jack goes on to explain Victor's child with Hope. Phyllis is glad they are comfortable having a personal relationship.
Brad asks Ashley why she doesn't want him to adopt Abby, and Ashley admits she doesn't want the biological father to know he has a daughter. Ashley agrees to allow Brad to seek outside advice.
Paul is worried that he will lose clients if he goes to Hong Kong, but Lynne suggests she and Marissa handle the security systems while h
Sous le beau temps de Monaco s’est déroulé la 62e édition du festival de télévision de Monte Carlo au forum Grimaldi. Des fan-meet avec Danse avec les stars, les coulisses des Anneaux de pouvoir, les 50 ans des Feux de l’amour… tant de célébration mais aussi la compétition officielle.
Cette année, le jury de la compétition internationale présidé par John Goodman a remis la Nymphe d’or comme chaque année. Et la cérémonie de clôture était présentée par Ricky Whittle et Léna Situations !