Phyllis has her first meeting with Victoria, Ryan and Victor to discuss her ideas for the ""Brash and Sassy"" web site. When Phyllis explains her idea for internet make-overs, Victor has reservations, saying that the idea is outdated. Nevertheless, the idea is voted on and the make-over idea is given the green light.
After the meeting, Victoria asks Victor about his new lady friend, but Victor cuts her off and leaves. Diane asks Ashley who the father of her child is and Ashley responds that she's having the baby without the father's input. Diane tells Ashley that she wants the whole world to know who the father of her baby is, but Ashley notes that Diane ""arranged"" her pregnancy.
When Marissa shows Diane the receipt for a baby rattle sent to Ashley, she fumes and decides to get revenge by converting Victoria's room into the best baby nursery money can buy. Ashley tells Brad that she wants Olivia to be her bridesmaid attendant. She asks Brad if he will ask Jack to be his best man, but Bra
Sous le beau temps de Monaco s’est déroulé la 62e édition du festival de télévision de Monte Carlo au forum Grimaldi. Des fan-meet avec Danse avec les stars, les coulisses des Anneaux de pouvoir, les 50 ans des Feux de l’amour… tant de célébration mais aussi la compétition officielle.
Cette année, le jury de la compétition internationale présidé par John Goodman a remis la Nymphe d’or comme chaque année. Et la cérémonie de clôture était présentée par Ricky Whittle et Léna Situations !