Mac tries to convince Billy that they should run away together, but Billy discourages her. Phyllis proposes a sleep-over for those who helped put the website together. Phyllis suggests to Brittany that she should trick Mac into thinking Billy is cheating on her.
Ashley tells Olivia that Victor called off their relationship after signing papers ending the Jabot suit. Olivia tells her that they will be fine without men in their lives.
Diane is frustrated when she calls Victor's office and Connie refuses to divulge his whereabouts to her. Diane visits Ashley's office demanding to know what kind of relationship she has with Victor.
Ashley asks why she needs to know and Diane reveals that she's pregnant with Victor's child.
Before Nick and his family leave the coffeehouse for their trip, Nick gives Cody specific instructions to give Carter (Matt) more hours because he needs the money.
Victoria comes face to face with Gary. When he offers an apology to Victoria, she wants to leave immediatel
Sous le beau temps de Monaco s’est déroulé la 62e édition du festival de télévision de Monte Carlo au forum Grimaldi. Des fan-meet avec Danse avec les stars, les coulisses des Anneaux de pouvoir, les 50 ans des Feux de l’amour… tant de célébration mais aussi la compétition officielle.
Cette année, le jury de la compétition internationale présidé par John Goodman a remis la Nymphe d’or comme chaque année. Et la cérémonie de clôture était présentée par Ricky Whittle et Léna Situations !