While Comedy Central isn't a good place, the series will find a new home...
"Lactose Overdose!" - Shin's school is making him bring in ten empty milk cartons, but what are they to do with the contents? When they can no longer drink it up or give it away, the Noharas decide to wallow in it! Relaxing in the unaccustomed decadence, Hima relaxes a bit too much... But you know what they say, there's no use crying over it! Why pee on Mitzi's parade?
"Meet the Parasites" - When the neighbors decide to cut costs, Mitzi's in for a surprise as she learns that she's inherited a maid. But rather than money exchanging hands, Yoshirin and Micchi only want a few "favors" in return. All their spendthrift alternatives soon have the entire household upset, as they prove far less help than hassle... Can the Noharas afford the added aggravation?
"Race for your Life, Georgie Brown!" - Frustrated by Shin's perpetual tardiness, his friends agree to stricter discipline: The next person late to a play date loses certain privileges with the fairer sex... For an entire 24 hours! But when both Shin and Georgie get distracted, it's a race for the action! Hoping to get lucky, the boy wonder proves to be a lousy cheat.
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