Chargement en cours
  • Sortie originale
  • Épisode précédent S01E10 - End
  • Numéro S01E11
  • Genres Action, Aventure, Animation, Fantastique
  • Liens externes Page TheTVDB
    Page IMDB
  • Dernière mise à jour 12 septembre 2020 - 14:15
    sur 11 bases de données


237 membres

Keita, Kuro and Akane were hidden in Daichi's cottage, revealing that he was supposedly trying to undermine the Kaionji Group and the Shishigami Clan when he told him that his real name as Sawamura, who was supposedly dead when he had jumped in front of a train. He also told him that he wishes to defeat the clan due to their totalitarian dreams of making the Earth fit for Tera Guardians to rule. Kuro voiced her objections to Daichi's plans, saying the Doppleliner system is not a weapon to be used. Meanwhile, Kakuma was killed by a Tera Guardian to gain access to the Tera Stone.

Prochain épisode
S01E12 - Confrontation


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