Urkel has to come to the rescue when a wandering satellite punctures the spacecraft in which he's traveling, preventing him and a team of astronauts from re-entering the Earth's atmosphere. With the two other astronauts on board unconscious, it's up to Urkel to repair the ship -- from the outside. Meanwhile, as Carl tries to help Harriette understand her son's need to be a police officer, Eddie's meter maid duty takes a dangerous turn. Urkel releases the satellite but starts floating away and was really in peril, but was able to use the satellite's thrusters to make it back to the spacecraft and return home to Laura.
Ok, un peu d’émotion pour ce final, un poil de suspense, mais surtout beaucoup d’improbable avec un Jurkle dans l’espace alors que c’était pas du tout la base de la série qui se concentrait sur la vie de famille et l’arrivée de la grand-mère totalement oubliée… La série ne me manquera pas…