Thirty-six hours have passed and reality is starting to sink in for all sides. Barb and Russ must come face-to-face with the suspects, Carter and Aubry, for the first time at the arraignment hearing. For Aubry and Carter, the hearing is their first opportunity to see one another since being arrested. Elsewhere, Tony finds himself terrified and alone as he gets placed into juvenile detention. The gravity of the situation weighs heavy on his father, Alonzo. Hector's legal troubles are compounded when the investigators discover an existing warrant for his arrest in Mexico. With more unsettling facts being uncovered about Matt and Gwen, relations between Barb and Russ, and Tom and Eve grow increasingly strained as they disagree on where Matt's body should be buried.
Commentaires (4)
Wow. J'adore. Les acteurs, le scénar et la réal. C'est parfait a mes yeux.
Pour ma part, je trouve que c'est un bon drama et qui risque de surprendre d'ici quelques épisodes. j'adhère.
Lili Taylor
Bon, j'ai quand même beaucoup de mal à accrocher. Pourtant l'histoire à la base m'intéressait beaucoup, mais je ne sais pas, il me manque un truc.