The lives of an ordinary suburban family change course forever when they discover their children have developed mutant powers. When the threat of a hostile government forces the family to go on the run to protect themselves, they join the ranks of an underground network of mutants. Together, the group fight to survive in a world where fear and misunderstanding put them at constant risk.
If you're an ardent follower of animated action-adventure shows, and Marvel's mutant universe holds a special place in your heart, then we've got thrilling news for you! The 90s nostalgia is back with a bang in the form of X-Men '97. This brand-new series is stirring up excitement among fans worldwide and deserves a spot on your BetaSeries watchlist.
X-Men '97 is an exhilarating revival of the iconic animated show, X-Men: The Animated Series that aired from 1992 to 1997. Produced by Marvel Studios Animation for Disney+, this continuation offers fans an opportunity to dive back into the world of their favorite mutant superheroes as they face new challenges without their leader, Professor X. The head writer for the first two seasons is Beau DeMayo while Jake Castorena supervises as director.
The vocal talent in this show is simply outstanding. With actors like Isaac Robinson-Smith voicing Bishop, Adrian Hough embodying Nightcrawler, and A.J LoCascio bringing Gambit to life amongst others - there's no doubt that we're in for some top-notch performances. Notable mentions include Jennifer Hale as Jean Grey and Cal Dodd reprising his role as Wolverine from the original 90s series.
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