Based on a popular Sega game series, The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog follows the adventures of Sonic and his buddy Miles "Tails" Prower. Sonic is the fast-movin', impatient hedgehog. Tails is his curious little friend who is always eager to learn and tag along with his pal during quests. Dr. Ivo Robotnik (now known as Dr. Eggman), an evil mad scientist, is constantly scheming to find a way to destroy the blue blur. But it never works, because Sonic is always one step ahead of him! After this show was introduced, Sonic the Hedgehog (also known as SatAM) came along. As they both aired during the same time era, people looked to this show for slapstick comedy, while SatAM was also there for people who desired a bit more focus on adventures. That show was based on Archie's Sonic-based comic strips, while this show was entirely accurate at the time. A few years after these two cartoons, DIC's final Sonic show - Sonic Underground - came to life. Altogether, Sonic and DIC stayed toge
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