This series depicts the offbeat adventures of Bob, a sponge living in a pineapple at the bottom of the ocean, in the underwater city of Bikini Bottom, populated mainly by fish. Bob works as a cook at Le Crabe Croustillant, a culinary establishment run by a crab named Captain Krabs, whose specialty is crab pate, a crab-based hamburger variant.
Patrick, a starfish even more naive and childlike than Bob, is his best friend. Carlo, a squid, is both his co-worker and his grumpy neighbor, who constantly tires of this famous sponge's extravagances. Bob also has a friend named Sandy, a female squirrel who has chosen to live in the ocean.
SpongeBob wants to fly and tries to invent a flying machine. All of them fail and people begin to think that SpongeBob is crazy until he puts a hair dryer in his pants. The hot air enables him to fly, but then people start asking him for too many favours.