The series follows the life of a group of lawyers who work for the firm Vega y Asociados founded by Alonso Vega. The main characters are Alejandra, Ricardo and Carlos. After the police imprison Carlos for the death of a prostitute, Alejandra begins to work for Vega y Asociados and begins to be attracted to Ricardo, but Carlos, after seeing this, decides to do everything possible to separate them together with the help of Elena. On the other hand, are Victoria and Roberto, Roberto tries to seduce her, but she refuses to fall into his game, Benjamín and Leticia, two ambitious lawyers who are lovers, Olivia who is madly in love with Leonardo, but he only has eyes for his work, Gustavo, who after a bad decision ends his marriage, and Juan López, a lawyer who admires the firm Vega y Asociados and wishes to obtain a position in that law firm.
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