The series follows Leslie Knope, the deputy head of the Parks and Recreation department in the fictional town of Pawnee, Indiana. Knope takes on a project with a nurse named Ann to turn a construction pit into a park, while trying to mentor a bored college-aged intern. However, Leslie must fight through the bureaucrats, problem neighbors, and developers in order to make her dream a reality, all with a camera crew recording her every gaff and mishap.
Dive headfirst into the world of New York's funniest detectives with the acclaimed TV series, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. This American police procedural comedy series will not only have you laughing out loud but also rooting for a team of detectives as they navigate their way through cases and life in the 99th precinct.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine revolves around an eclectic group of detectives in a New York precinct headed by Captain Raymond Holt, played brilliantly by Andre Braugher. The squad includes Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg), who is forced to mature under the stern gaze of his new boss; Amy Santiago (Melissa Fumero), an ambitious detective; Rosa Diaz (Stephanie Beatriz), who is tough-as-nails; Terry Jeffords (Terry Crews), a gentle giant with a love for yogurt; Charles Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio), whose dedication to his job is only surpassed by his love for food; and Gina Linetti (Chelsea Peretti), whose offbeat personality keeps everyone on their toes. With such diverse characters, every episode offers unique comedic interactions that will keep you entertained from start to finish.
The series originally aired on Fox from September 17, 2013, and later moved to NBC until its final season concluded on September 16, 2021. Over eight seasons and 154 episodes, Brooklyn Nine-Nine has consistently delivered high-quality content that strikes a perfect balance between humor and addressing serious societal issues. The show's clever writing combined with outstanding performances from its ensemble cast has earned it critical acclaim and multiple awards, including a Golden Globe for Best Television Series – Musical or Comedy.