A drama that explores the criminal justice system from an extremely popular perspective through the fierce story of two men surrounding the murder of a woman. Hyun-soo, an ordinary college student, suddenly becomes the primary suspect in a murder case. Shin Joong-han is the only lawyer willing to help Kim Hyun-soo. Having just barely passed law school, Shin Joong-han's involvement in Kim Hyun-soo's case eventually takes his unremarkable life to new heights.
This show is amazing with incredible performances, especially from Kim Soo Hyun in the main role - he really is outstanding. This is a remake of BBC's ''Criminal Justice'', but it still has it's on take on it so you can definitely watch it if you've seen the original one or the american remake called ''The night of''. This korean remake is the darkest version so far. 8,5/10.