In a world where dinosaurs and beings with unsuspected powers exist, Son Goku is a little boy who was taken in by his adoptive grandfather. After his grandfather's death, the little boy with the monkey tail lives alone. He meets Bulma, an impulsive young girl. She is looking for the Seven Crystal Balls, which, once gathered, allow to make wishes. Crossing hostile lands, they finally meet Turtle Genius, an old wise man who lives on an island. He becomes Son Goku's master. He is accompanied by another disciple, Krilin, who will become one of his most faithful friends. Together, they will try to develop their abilities, especially since the monkey tail of Goku intrigues Krilin. Is he really human?
During the training and the fights, they meet other warriors like Ten Shin Han, Yamcha or Little Heart, an alien from the planet Namek. They compete against each other in the Great Martial Arts Tournament, the global event.
Other increasingly powerful threats will face them as the Crystal Balls are sought after by many others. One of these is King Pilaf, a small, angry creature, accompanied by Mai, a human, and Soba, a ninja fox.
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