Shinichi Kudo is a 17-year-old detective who, after ingesting a mysterious drug that makes him younger, is now 7 years old. Living with his childhood friend Ran and his father Kogoro Mouri, he secretly tries to recover his former body and put the organization responsible for his condition under arrest...
It all begins during a visit to an amusement park with his childhood friend, Ran Mouri. He overhears a conversation between two criminals. Spotted and then knocked out, he is left for dead after ingesting a poison.
Luckily, he survives, but there is a side effect of the poison. He has become ten years younger. To find the people responsible, he assumes the identity of Conan Edogawa.
He enrolls in Teitan Elementary School and forms a small team of apprentice detectives, the Detective Boys with Genta Kojima, Mitsuhiko Tsuburaya and Ayumi Yoshida. He will also be helped by Professor Agasa, Ran Mouri whom he is in love with and Kogoro Mouri who works as a private detective.
He will try to find the inventor of the poison and the members of the Organization.
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