Nachdem er jahrelang in Berlin gearbeitet hat, kehrt Oberstaatsanwalt Bernd Reuther (Rainer Hunold) zurück nach Hessen und ermittelt fortan unter den schwarzen Schafen der Wiesbadener Gesellschaft. Auch heute noch plagt ihn immer wieder die Erinnerung an einen von ihm verursachten Autounfall, bei dem vor einigen Jahren eine Frau ums Leben kam und Reuthers eigene Ehefrau schwer verletzt wurde. Bei seinen Ermittlungen wird er unterstützt von Kommissarin Kerstin Klar (Fiona Coors) und Hauptkommissar Christian Schubert (Simon Eckert), Dr. Cornelia Engel (Astrid Posner) und Oberstaatsanwältin Silvia Heinlein (Therese Hämer).
If you're a fan of crime dramas with a dash of comedy and thrill, then it's time to add 'Wilsberg' to your BetaSeries account. Set in the quaint city of Münster, Germany, this series is bound to captivate you with its unique blend of genres and intriguing characters. With 8 seasons and 73 gripping episodes that weave a narrative full of suspense and wit, 'Wilsberg' is the perfect addition to your watchlist.
Georg Wilsberg, played by Leonard Lansink, is our protagonist who runs an antiquarian bookstore while juggling his side job as a private detective. Wilsberg's character stands out through his disregard for legal regulations and penchant for burgling homes in search of evidence. His investigations often lead him into risky situations which are diffused with dashes of humor making each episode exciting yet light-hearted.
Adding depth to the show are memorable characters like Ekki (Oliver Korittke), Alex (Ina Paule Klink), Anna (Rita Russek), and Overbeck (Roland Jankowsky). Each one plays a vital role in Wilsberg’s adventures - providing evidence from tax data or legal assistance when required or being involved in humorous love-hate relationships that add more color to the storyline.
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