Degrassi: Next Class follows the lives of the students from Degrassi Community School, a fictional high school in Toronto. It is the fifth series in the Degrassi franchise and covers many issues teens face, both big and small.
Adamo Ruggiero (Marco), Lauren Collins (Paige), Miriam McDonald (Emma) et Shane Kippel (Spinner) seront de retour pour le 500ème épisode de la franchise Degrassi ! :D
Source : Degrassi: Next Class: Get a first look at the big reunion.
Edit : s'ajoutent également aux guest stars (alumni seulement) : Raymond Ablack (Sav Bhandari), Charlotte Arnold (Holly J. Sinclair), Sarah Barrable-Tishaur (Liberty Van Zandt), Jake Epstein (Craig Manning), Jamie Johnston (Peter Stone) et Jacob Neayem (Mo Mashkour).
Adamo Ruggiero (Marco), Lauren Collins (Paige), Miriam McDonald (Emma) et Shane Kippel (Spinner) seront de retour pour le 500ème épisode de la franchise Degrassi ! :D Source : Degrassi: Next Class: Get a first look at the big reunion. Edit : s'ajoutent également aux guest stars (alumni seulement) : Raymond Ablack (Sav Bhandari), Charlotte Arnold (Holly J. Sinclair), Sarah Barrable-Tishaur (Liberty Van Zandt), Jake Epstein (Craig Manning), Jamie Johnston (Peter Stone) et Jacob Neayem (Mo Mashkour).