If the idea of setting off to fish for crabs in Alaska (a rather rare occurrence) has ever crossed your mind, then "Peril on the High Seas" (or Deadliest Catch in English) is likely to change your mind...
Deadliest Catch is a Discovery Channel documentary series that follows the adventures of King crab fishermen in the tumultuous waters of Alaska's Bering Sea. This fishing activity takes place over a very limited period and in extremely difficult circumstances: furious waves, floating icebergs, freezing temperatures and potentially fatal human errors. Every season, several fishermen die during this dangerous undertaking, including during the filming of the series...
There's something undeniably alluring about the idea of striking it rich. It's a universal dream and one that is explored in gripping detail in the TV series 'Gold Rush'. This thrilling reality show takes viewers into the lesser-known regions across Canada and United States, where teams of miners face daunting challenges as they dig for gold. With 15 seasons and over 291 episodes, this treasure trove of entertainment is a must-add to your BetaSeries account.
'Gold Rush' follows various family-run mining companies as they navigate the perilous world of placer gold mining. These fearless miners face numerous obstacles from equipment malfunctions to crew inexperience as they chase their golden dreams mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada and Alaska. The series was originally titled 'Gold Rush: Alaska', highlighting its initial focus on Porcupine Creek, Alaska.
The first season starts with a group of six men from Sandy, Oregon who had lost their jobs due to economic downturn. They decide to head north and invest their futures into prospecting for gold at Porcupine Creek. With little or no previous experience in placer gold mining, these greenhorns learn on the job, overcoming equipment breakdowns and personal conflicts along the way.