The plot revolves around Momo, a high-school student from a line of psychics, and her fellow student Okarun, a devotee of the occult. Their friendship is strengthened after Momo protects Okarun from a group of persecutors. However, they don't share the same beliefs. Momo "admits the existence of ghosts but refutes that of aliens", while Okarun "believes in the existence of aliens but rejects that of ghosts". In a bid to convince the other, Momo ventures into a disused hospital where a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) has been sighted, while Okarun sneaks into a presumed haunted tunnel. In each location, they witness disconcerting paranormal manifestations that defy human comprehension. In the course of their adventures, Momo reveals a secret power and Okarun is struck by a curse! Could this be the beginning of a romance, combining the struggle against dark forces and the torments of adolescence?