A five-year-old boy named Shinnosuke Nohara, nicknamed Shin-chan, lives surrounded by his family, neighbors, friends and relatives in Kasukabe, Japan. Shinnosuke's family is composed of four members, Misae Nohara, the mother, Hiroshi Nohara, the father and Shiro, the dog. His grandfather Yoshiji, cantankerous and often authoritarian, is the opposite of his other grandfather, Ginnosuke, nicknamed "Ginny", who is joking and perverse. Shinnosuke is close to his four friends: Nene, Kazama, Masao and Bo. He goes to the kindergarten where he meets the teachers such as Miss Yoshinaga and Miss Matsuzaka and the principal of the school, Mr. Takakura, nicknamed "The Godfather" because of his dress and his mafioso look.
Shin-chan is secretly in love with his former teacher, Nanako Ōhara, and also a fan of two superheroes: the Action Kamen and Cuntom Robo.
We follow Shin-chan to school and home. He will do the four hundred tricks to enrage his mother or his teachers.