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  • BIRTH 28/10/1943
  • Country Mexico
  • SHOW 1
  • MOVIES 12

Salvador Sánchez

Alfredo Salvador Sánchez Bolaños (born October 28th, 1943) is a Mexican actor and director.

He was one of the most relevant actors among those who renewed the list of interpreters of Mexican cinema at the beginning of the seventies. Since then, he has stood out in films such as The devil fell from glory (Cayó de la gloria el diablo, .1971), The bump (La choca, 1973), The heist (El apando, 1975), Canoa (1975), Las Poquianchis (1976), Los albañiles (1976), Under the shrapnel (Bajo la metralla, 1983), Motel (1983), Journey to Paradise (1985), Going for a nut (1986), Fire Angel (1991), Lady at night (1993), Leap into the void (1994), Natural death (1996) , Only once (2000) and Herod's law (2000).

He directed Pedro Páramo in 1981. Deserving of various distinctions for his acting work in film, including two Diosas de Plata, he has also developed an outstanding theatrical career and has participated repeatedly on television.

Salvador Sánchez


Malverde: The Patron Saint
Malverde: The Patron Saint

Movies (12)

The Mexican
The Mexican
El Infierno
El Infierno
El Padrino
¡Que viva México!
¡Que viva México!
Notario / Don Florencio
Under the Volcano
Under the Volcano
Chief of Stockyards
La dictadura perfecta
La dictadura perfecta
Hombre X
La Exorcista
La Exorcista
Señor Ramirez
Las poquianchis
Las poquianchis
Bajo la metralla
Bajo la metralla
Human Rights Leader
Niñas Mal
Niñas Mal
La ley de Herodes
La ley de Herodes
El Apando
El Apando