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  • Director Sean Cain
  • Script Sean Cain
  • Runtime 1 hour 28 minutes
  • Genres Action, Science-Fiction, Horror
  • Language English
  • External links IMDB page
    TheMovieDB page
  • Last update 4 novembre 2024 - 12:22
    on 11 databases

Jurassic City

50 members

Throwing L.A. Back to the Stone Ages

When a top-secret laboratory is unexpectedly breached, thousands of rampaging raptors are unleashed on Los Angeles! A black-ops unit is mobilized to contain the creatures before they cause city-wide chaos. Simultaneously, a truckload of raptors is rerouted to a nearby prison. Upon their escape, these ferocious flesh-eaters are beyond containment. This is Jurassic judgment night for smoking hot sorority girls, sinister scientists, muscle-bound military and doomed death-row inmates! It's about to get bloody in Jurassic City!


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