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  • Runtime 13 minutes
  • Genres Animation, Adventure, Telefilm
  • Language English
  • External links TheMovieDB page
  • Last update 7 octobre 2024 - 17:43
    on 11 databases

The Progeny

2 members

"Progeny" is a story about a group of children who wake up living the same day over and over, happily, until one of them disappears. The first to notice is Brainchild, who has to challenge the others to break their routine. When he angers them, they try to fight him, but he outsmarts them and reveals they are in a military base deep underground. The Wonderkind and the rest of the group must go through the base to find Dreamchild, who holds the key to solving the mystery. Brainchild becomes their leader, working together to escape, but only if they learn to listen and trust in themselves.


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