Steven goes to the Big Donut. He discovers that the Cookie Cat brand of ice cream has been discontinued because a newer competitor, Lion Lickers, has become more popular in sales.
When he returns home, he finds Amethyst, Pearl and Garnet battling Centipeetles who have invaded Steven's room. They have destroyed most of them, but have not found the gems they usually receive after they make the gem form disappear.
Garnet thinks that Mother Centipeetle must be around and controlling the others. Steven hunts one down in the refrigerator and finds many Cookie Cats in the freezer. The Gems explain that they bought some from a nearby factory because they knew they were his favorite, and decided to buy the last batch for him. Delighted, he starts singing the Cookie Cats theme from a TV commercial. He then takes a bite of a Cookie Cat and his gem begins to glow. Amethyst tells him to try to summon his weapon, but Steven doesn't know how.
Steven thinks that his favorite treats allow him to summon his magic shield...