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Today Linus is rolling dice to decide what does into a computer.. but there is a twist. Whatever computer he rolls must be sold for $1. Best case for Linus the computer will be $373, worst case it will be $16,795.
If you’re passionate about political commentary, social issues, and want to stay updated on current events through an insightful lens, then 'Timcast' is the TV series you’ve been waiting for. Hosted by Timothy Daniel Pool, a renowned American political commentator and podcast host, 'Timcast' offers viewers a deep dive into pressing topics with unfiltered opinions and analyses. With six seasons and an impressive 5674 episodes, there's no shortage of content to keep you engaged.
**The Origins of Tim Pool and 'Timcast'**
Timothy Daniel Pool first rose to prominence during the 2011 Occupy Wall Street protests. Armed with just his cell phone, he brought real-time coverage of the events as they unfolded on the streets of New York City. His dedication to authentic journalism led him to co-found The Other 99 media company, which utilized innovative methods like live streaming and aerial drones for event coverage. This hands-on approach provided unique insights into significant global protests, setting the stage for what would become 'Timcast.'