A young isolated high school student named Yuta Okkotsu suffers from a curse from his late girlfriend who follows him everywhere. Upon meeting a sorcerer named Satoru Gojo, Yuta decides to follow him to his school, in order to control the power of the curse.
Intriguing, exhilarating, and deeply captivating - these are just a few ways to describe the TV series 'Black Clover'. If you are an anime enthusiast or just someone who appreciates a good story with engaging characters, this series is a must-watch addition to your BetaSeries account.
Born on the same day and abandoned at a church, Asta and Yuno lead parallel lives with one significant difference – while Yuno is naturally gifted with magical prowess, Asta appears devoid of any magical abilities. This doesn't deter them from their shared dream – becoming the Wizard King. The story unfolds as they navigate through their challenges and prepare themselves for this ambitious pursuit. Set in a country where magic is everything, Black Clover beautifully intertwines themes of friendship, ambition, rivalry and overcoming adversity.
The show boasts an impressive ensemble cast including Gakuto Kajiwara as Asta's voice who also lent his voice in 'A Sign of Affection', Nobunaga Shimazaki who voiced Yuno has been part of 'Jujutsu Kaisen', among many others. Each character brings to life their complex personas adding depth to the narrative.
Nice I love it